LRN - Location Routing Number
LRN stands for Location Routing Number service, and is the process by which calls are sent and routed via an operator.

Why use our LRN service?
With our LRN service, your Least Cost Routing Engine is ensured your calls are sent using the cheapest route at that moment, regardless of the time of day.
Not only can it save you money, but with accurate routing, you can also minimise the amount of calls that are dropped.
LRN with Bulk Solutions
At Bulk Solutions, we use real time data to ensure that we are always able to find the best value route for your calls at any moment.
We also allow extended lookup for you to see all available information on each call and number.
Learn about LRN
The same person making a call to the same number at different times of the day doesn’t necessarily mean the call should be routed the same way!
Highly Accurate and Best Value LRN
The best route for a call changes depending on the time, even when it’s the same caller phoning the same number.
With LRN lookup, we are able to find the least cost route regardless of the time of day, and route the call via the best value carrier in that moment.
We can offer this because we take our information from the Number Portability Administration Center (NPAC), meaning when a number is queried with LRN lookup, we use real-time data from that very moment to find the best route.
And with more accurate routing using this real-time data, you can avoid calls dropping too, giving you a more reliable service.

The Benefits of LRN
Cost, reliability, and information – see how you can benefit!

Avoid Dropped Calls
Using highly-accurate real-time data, we can ensure we find the more reliable routing for your calls, giving you one less thing to worry about when you are on the phone!
Decrease Your Per Minute Cost
We provide simple and accurate routing for your numbers at a consistent cost, no matter whether for simple look-ups or extended look-ups including OCN, LATA, and SPID. Combined with Least Cost Routing, this will save you money on your per minute cost!
We support all telecommunication LRN methods and are supported by all telecommunication switches and equipment, giving the most comprehensive service available.
Easy to Set Up
It’s simple to integrate with our API, with detailed step-by-step documentation provided and our team on hand to support you. We also offer a variety of output options to suit your needs.
Why LRN with Bulk Solutions?
We are experts at what we do! We focus on developing the best products and providing best customer service, meaning you can fully trust our CNAM Service!
Correctly Routed Every Time
Our LRN dips come from the Number Portability Administration Center (NPAC) in real time, meaning we can ensure that your call will be correctly routed on every occasion.
Cost-Effective with No Surprises
We keep our routing costs consistent, meaning no unexpected surprises for you, and by leveraging least cost routing, we ensure we find the cheapest route for each call.
See All Available Information for Each Number
You can extend LRN to view all available LERG-based information on each number, including OCN, LATA, and SPID, regardless of whether the call is local or long distance!

What exactly is a Location Routing Number service?

The Basics of Location Routing Number
Location Routing Number services are special numerical designations using a 10-digit format for a phone number which is used to route phone calls to destination numbers that have been transferred from one carrier to another.
LRN and Matching Telephone Numbers
In essence, you can think of the telecom system querying a database to find the LRN matching with the destination number when a call is made via a switch in a specific location tagged with this number.
Simplifying the Way We Make Calls
LRN services simplified the way calls are made. Using the Location Routing Number system, there was no longer any need for a service provider, rate center, or carrier type identification, as only the number associated with the switch in necessary in order to complete the call successfully. Then it is possible to perform a database query and return a result with the LRN corresponding with the destination number that had been dialed.
Ported Telephone Numbers
Location Number Routing services provide you with an efficient way to correctly route numbers that have been ported or moved between carriers – your carrier needs simply only to route the call the new carrier for your destination number using the corresponding LRN for the phone number.
The Origins of LRN Services
Let’s learn some Telecoms history! Did you know that Location Routing Number services were originally introduced as a result of a 1996 ruling by congress to allow customers to change their carrier for their phone services while keeping the same number?
Call Connected Before You Even Notice
Sounds complex? It’s a clever system – and from your perspective when you make a call, this happens at light speed, so you won’t even notice as you will already be connected with the correct destination number!
More about LRN Lookup
Let’s dive a little deeper into Location Routing Number lookup.
LRN lookup is essentially a way of getting the LNP number, or that is, the Local Number Portability number.
So we know that LRN is a ten digit code that corresponds with a phone number and allows calls to be routed correctly.
LRN was actually originally intended to be a way of providing Local Number Portability (LNP). It means you no longer need to use the public phone number itself to correctly identify the local exchange carrier – only the LRN now need be changed.
This means when you integrate with the Bulk Solutions LRN service, your switch performs a query against our database for the LRN associated with the number you are calling, and enabled you to efficiently connect the call with the right operator.
This means you are able to avoid calls being dropped or incorrectly routed in the first place!
Such streamlined routing also saves you money in the long term, by ensuring that your calls always complete and are routed to the correct location. You might be surprised by how much you could save!

More about Least Cost Routing

As you can likely see, it’s natural then that the least expensive route will frequently be different depending on these factors at whichever moment you are using the call.
•When in the day the call is being
•Your current location
•The location of your destination number
•Current rate info from all phone companies including current rate terms and connection fee per call
Lower cost calls doesn’t mean compromising on quality, however – just because a call is being routed in the cheapest way, doesn’t mean it will be the lowest quality!
Ported Telephone Numbers
Location Number Routing services provide you with an efficient way to correctly route numbers that have been ported or moved between carriers – your carrier needs simply only to route the call the new carrier for your destination number using the corresponding LRN for the phone number.
Rest assured that with our LRN service, calls will be routed in the most cost-effective way without any impact at all on call quality.
Let’s get you set up!
Ready to set up LRN? Have any further questions for us? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us – we’re ready to support you however you need!
Call +1 949-877-1230 or email [email protected]